Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The More You Know

This is what I accomplished before going to work at noon:
-Went for a run
-Made a pair of earrings out of two quarters that were squished on the railroad tracks
-Began re-reading Macbeth

It may not look like much, but does anyone remember Sideways Stories From Wayside School? Mrs. Jewels reasoned that if her students learned three facts every day, they would eventually know everything there is to know. I figure at this rate, by the end of the summer I'll be ready to ship out with no stone left unturned, all my strings tied, and most of my metaphors thoroughly mixed.

For that matter:
1. Joan Baez dated Steve Jobs (of Macintosh fame) and her father was a physicist who refused to work on the Manhattan project.
2. Gooseberries are one of the best sources of vitamin C, were once banned by the U.S. Government for allegedly helping spread white pine blister rust (a tree disease), and grow in the Pini backyard.
3. This won the Pulitzer for Breaking News Photography this year:

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